Jamia Masjid Swafia was set up by local Muslims in the early 1980’s. It was the first purpose built Masjid in Wakefield. Previously, Masjids had been established in houses and existing buildings such as former churches, or old school buildings.
For many years the simple building with two halls served the community well, with one Imam leading prayers and teaching Muslim children. As the size and needs of the community increased, the Masjid was extended in June 1984 to what it is now. The extension increased the internal floor space and more toilets and ablution facilities were also added. Two minarets and a dome were added to the exterior to make a distinctive identifiable Masjid building. The side extension also provided additional class room space that could be used for female classes and other functions. Another important requirement that was fulfilled, was a room in which the deceased body could be washed prior to funeral prayers. Read more…. (this should link to the About page)
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